User Experience:
Intuitive Design for Seamless File Management

At Thru, we prioritize user-centric design to ensure our applications are intuitive and efficient. Our suite of products caters to a wide range of file management needs, featuring two primary applications:

1) File Sharing

  • Facilitates secure and efficient file sharing
  • Designed for organization-wide use, supporting both internal and external collaboration

2) Automated File Transfer (AFT)

  • Streamlines complex file transfer processes
  • Suitable for users at all levels, from basic file uploaders to advanced workflow creators
managed file transfer features user experience for file sharing, automated file transfer and APIs

File Management across Different Profiles

Our user-friendly interfaces empower users to quickly master the tools, regardless of their technical expertise. By focusing on intuitive design, we ensure that our solutions seamlessly integrate into your existing workflows, enhancing productivity across your organization.

Let’s explore the user experience for different profiles, showcasing how Thru adapts to various user needs and scenarios:

File Sharing User Experience

Internal User Sharing Files

Use Thru’s File Sharing Web Portal to easily access and manage your files. Within this interface, securely send large files and folders to internal teams and external stakeholders.

Watch demo of web-based portal overview for file sharing » [6:46]

Additionally, the Microsoft Outlook integration allows users to easily add, download, share and manage files in Thru without leaving Outlook.

illustrated screenshot of Thru file sharing portal

External User Uploading Files to an Internal User

Thru Dropbox™ allows non-account holders such as customers, partners and vendors to easily and securely upload large files to your company’s Thru file sharing site, without having to sign up for an account. An email notification lets you know when files are received in your Thru Dropbox™ folder.

illustrated screenshot of Thru Dropbox™ used by external users to upload files to MFT user

Internal User Logging in to File Sharing Portal using Single Sign-On (SSO)

Thru supports SAML 2.0, which enables SSO authentication between customers and their identity provider (IdP). Seamless navigation with SSO allows users to move between different applications without re-authenticating.

Secure access options include

  • SSO
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Mixed authentication: Some users authenticate with SSO and others authenticate with passwords
illustrated screenshot of Thru file sharing portal login page

Admin User Setting Retention Rules

Thru offers powerful retention policy tools to effectively manage content lifecycle. Tool features include

  • Custom expiration rules
  • Multi-channel alerts
  • Automated content deletion
illustrated screenshot of administrator view to set retention rules within Thru file sharing portal

Automated File Transfer User Experience

User Creating File Transfer Workflows

Within a web-based interface, users create workflows as pathways to transfer files between endpoints.

No coding is required. Users simply need to have organization and endpoint configuration information available to complete the task.

Watch demo of how to set up automated file transfers » [7:32]

illustrated screenshot of interface within Thru automated file transfer portal to create workflows

External Partner Self-Managing Flow Endpoint

Roles within Thru’s automated file transfer solution allow users to be assigned detailed permissions, including comprehensive self-service capabilities for partners. Partners are then able to manage the configuration of their own flow endpoints.

illustrated screenshot of interface within Thru automated file transfer portal to self-manage flow endpoint as a partner

User Viewing the Activity Screen

The Activity page displays the file transfer activity for every Flow, Organization and Endpoint in your instance of Thru. Clicking on the state in the Last State Update column opens the Transfer Status Details popup window with additional details.

illustrated screenshot of interface within Thru automated file transfer portal to view activity of file exchange

Developer User Experience for API

Developer Accessing API for File Sharing

illustrated screenshots of API information for Thru file sharing solution

Developer Accessing API For AFT

The Thru MFT API is organized around REST.

The API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication and verbs.

Thru exposes multiple APIs to access different parts of the service.

illustrated screenshots of API information for Thru automated file transfer solution


Have questions about cloud managed file transfer?

Get answers, not a sales pitch. Since 2002, we have analyzed, discussed and solved file transfer challenges.


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