Secure, Reliable and Global File Transfers
for the Manufacturing Industry

For over 20 years, Thru has been at the forefront of providing secure file transfer solutions to the manufacturing industry. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by global manufacturers, Thru offers a robust, cloud-native managed file transfer as a service (MFTaaS) platform. Our solution ensures the secure, efficient and reliable transfer of large files, enabling manufacturers to maintain seamless operations across the globe.

Why Thru for Manufacturing?

factory with arrow to thru cloud

Proven Track Record

Thru has a long-standing history of supporting leading manufacturers such as Clarios, Les Schwab, Navis, Richemont, and Masterbrand. Our experience and expertise make us the trusted partner for secure file transfers in the manufacturing sector.

Cloud-Native Scalability

Our cloud-native architecture allows manufacturers to scale their file transfer capabilities on demand. This ensures that as your operations grow, Thru’s MFTaaS can seamlessly accommodate increased data volumes without the need for additional on-premises infrastructure.

different sizes of clouds

Global Reach

Manufacturing is a global industry, and Thru’s platform is designed to facilitate secure and efficient file transfers across international borders. Our global network ensures fast and reliable data transfers, regardless of geographic location.

line globe with location tags and arrows

Security and Compliance

Security is paramount in the manufacturing industry. Thru employs advanced encryption protocols to protect your data in transit and at rest. Our platform also supports compliance with industry standards and regulations, ensuring your data transfers are secure and compliant.

shield with files and transfer arrows

Integration Capabilities

Thru integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, including ERP, PLM and other critical applications. Our API-first approach ensures that Thru can be easily incorporated into your current IT infrastructure, enhancing overall efficiency and reducing operational disruptions.

4 puzzle pieces individually labeled with thru, erm, plm and bar graph

Key Features

Feature Description

End-to-End Encryption

Protect your data with AES-256 encryption in transit and at rest.

Global Scalability

Scale your file transfer capabilities effortlessly with our cloud-native platform.

High Availability

Comprehensive logging and reporting capabilities for full visibility and traceability.

Compliance Support

Meet industry standards and regulatory requirements with built-in compliance features.

Seamless Integration

Integrate with existing ERP, PLM and other critical systems using our robust APIs.

User-Friendly Interface

Simplify file transfer processes with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Comprehensive Logging and Reporting

Maintain full visibility and traceability with detailed audit trails.

See full features list »

Use Cases in Manufacturing

diagram showing headquarters (hq), design teams, suppliers, manufacturing plants, quality control and distribution centers transferring files using Thru's cloud mft

Product Design and Development

Facilitate the secure transfer of design files, CAD drawings and other large data sets between engineering teams, suppliers and partners. Thru ensures that your intellectual property remains protected throughout the development lifecycle.

Supply Chain Coordination

Streamline the exchange of critical supply chain data, including order details, shipment information and inventory updates. Thru’s platform supports real-time data transfers, enhancing coordination and efficiency across your supply chain.

Production and Quality Control

Manage the secure transfer of production data, quality control documents and compliance reports. Thru helps maintain the integrity and confidentiality of your manufacturing processes, ensuring consistent product quality and regulatory compliance.

Vendor and Partner Collaboration

Enable seamless and secure collaboration with vendors, suppliers and partners by providing a reliable platform for exchanging documents, specifications and other critical data. Thru’s solution supports efficient communication and strengthens business relationships.

Customer Success Stories


Ready to enhance your file transfer processes and ensure secure, efficient and scalable data exchanges?

Please contact us today to learn more about how Thru can support your manufacturing organization.


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