Highly Resilient and Reliable File Transfer Platform

Empower your business with a robust, always-on solution that ensures your data is transferred securely, accurately and on time, every time.

managed file transfer offers resilient and reliable solution with recovery, availability and uptime

In today’s fast-paced digital world, your business cannot afford downtime or data breaches. Our managed file transfer (MFT) service guarantees continuous operation and uncompromising security, so you can focus on what truly matters—growing your business.

illustration showing configuration of datacenter zones in separate regions

Resilient Datacenter Zones

Thru’s managed file transfer as a service (MFTaaS) is deployed across five Azure regions worldwide, with each region operating independently. In supported regions, three availability zones with separate data centers and infrastructure provide resilience against zone-level outages and disasters.

Resilient Storage

Thru utilizes Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) which synchronously replicates data across three availability zones in the primary Azure region. Each zone operates on independent infrastructure pillars mitigating impact from localized disruptions.

ZRS provides ≥99.9999999999% (12 nines) durability for storage resources over one year.

Resilient Databases

Thru databases leverage Azure SQL Managed Instance and MongoDB configured for geo-redundant storage, with data continuously replicated to a paired region.

Cross-Region Disaster Recovery

The risk of an entire Azure region going down is very low but is still possible in extreme circumstances. Thru’s software-defined architecture enables full environment mobility across regions.

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

If an entire Azure region experiences an outage, Thru Operations can restore services to a normal state within 48 hours by shifting to an alternative region within the same country.

Thru externalizes system state into environment configurations, VM images and orchestration scripts. This allows core aspects to be rebuilt across regions with greater ease than typical legacy hard-coded applications.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

Thru leverages infrastructure capabilities and data protection procedures to adhere to a one (1) hour RPO for production systems. This enables the recovery of recoverable storage and databases to a consistent state within the prior hour of anomalies or outages detected, with up to one hour of potential data loss in worst case scenarios.

The RPO of 1 hour or less is achieved by

  • ZRS storage
  • Geo-redundant databases

If the storage is not recoverable then the state of the recovery would only include configurations, user accounts and historical audit data. The combination of resilient cloud architecture and operational policies ensures Thru can rewind production environments to the targeted healthy state within the prior 60 minutes or less should it prove necessary during incidents or disasters.

Achieving Cross-Region High Availability

illustration showing possible configuration of datacenter zones and regions to provide high availability

For those requiring high availability spanning Azure regions, contact our sales team to discuss options.

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Our service is built on a resilient infrastructure with a 99.9% uptime guarantee, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your data transfers.

illustration showing 99.9 percent up-time


Have questions about our managed file transfer platform?

Get answers, not a sales pitch. Since 2002, we have analyzed, discussed and solved file transfer challenges.


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